Building Maintenance Department - photo showing solar panels and castro valley library.

Space Allocation

In order to maintain an inventory and control of occupied space in County facilities, the space allocation program was implemented in 1972. Whenever an operating department desires to increase or decrease its assigned building space, or change the budgetary responsibility within their assigned space, approval must be obtained from the General Services Agency. This is accomplished by completing a "Request for Change in Space Allocation" form which is supplied by the Building Maintenance Department. The Building Maintenance Department is responsible for processing changes in office space assignments within existing County facilities. Requests for acquisition of privately owned buildings or leased space is the responsibility of the Real Property Manager, General Services Agency.

Prior to any change being made in the use or occupancy of any County building space, Form 141-A "Request for Change in Space Allocation" is to be completed (see instructions on back of form), submitted to the Building Maintenance Department and approved by the Director, General Services Agency. A separate set of forms is required for each request for space change. Requesting departments are required to submit four copies to the Building Maintenance Department and retain the fifth for departmental records. Should any remodeling work be necessary, a Special Project Request must also be submitted.

Instructions for Completing Request for Change in Space Allocation:

  • This form is to be completed and processed, with approvals secured, prior to any change being made in the use or occupancy of any building space.
  • On completion of Sections A and B, requesting department is to retain one copy and forward four copies to the Building Maintenance Department.
  • On completion of Sections C and D, the Building Maintenance Department will retain one copy, will forward one copy to the Auditor-Controller, one copy to the County Administrator's Office, and will return one copy to the requesting department.
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General Services Agency
1401 Lakeside Drive, 10th floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone: (510) 208-9700
Fax: (510) 208-9711