Building Security
Exterior Doors
Doors used as public access are to remain unlocked during normal business hours and it is the responsibility of the tenant department to arrange for the unlocking and re-locking at specified times.
Where GSA-BMD has personnel permanently assigned to a building, they are available to assist the tenant departments in the unlocking and/or re-locking of the public entrances.
In buildings where security or intrusion alarms are installed, access after normal business hours must be restricted to the one door at which the alarm system control is located. The system is to be armed by the last person leaving the building.
All employees authorized by department to have keys to employee entrances in buildings where alarm systems are in use after normal business must be made aware of the procedures to be followed for control of the alarm system. Entering the building without deactivating the alarm system can result in additional charges to an operating department for the cost of police services responding to a false alarm, and may even result in the local police department canceling their service due to excessive numbers of false alarms.
The Building Maintenance Department oversees the installation and maintenance of building security alarm systems at selected County Buildings. Determination of need for building alarm systems is based on such consideration as location in high-frequency crime areas, high value of building contents, type of occupancy which may be more likely to attract theft or vandalism, etc.
A GSA-BMD Service Request must be submitted by departments to request an alarm system. Types of security systems vary from the simple door burglar alarm with exterior audible bell which are installed at smaller buildings to a sophisticated Cardkey electronic alarm system. A Cardkey system is installed at many buildings and is continuously monitored by a private security alarm company.
Alarm systems are maintained by private companies on purchase order contract. The contracts are administered by the Plant Maintenance Sections. See Building Heating and Air Conditioning Systems for locations to call to report malfunctions or problems.
Key Control
Each department should assign one individual who will be responsible for all keys issued and for maintaining control of keys returned due to the departure or re-assignment of an employee. The Building Maintenance Department is to be kept informed of the name of the assigned individual so that duplicate keys can be turned over to the proper person. Requests for duplicate keys are to be made on the standard GSA-BMD Service Request form and are approved by a BMD Buildings Manager.
Contract Security
Special security operations utilizing contract security personnel are administered by the Building Maintenance Department. This occurs only where special circumstances warrant additional security.