Special Departmental Services
The Building Maintenance Department provides special types of services to County departments if within the capability of the department to do so. For example: the servicing or repair of departmental equipment, furnishings and counters, relocation of electrical outlets, modification of minor departmental devices, construction of file boxes, furnishing of department signs, etc. To request these special services, County departments are required to submit GSA-BMD Service Request (Store Stock No. 6158392). You can also copy an existing Service Request Form and fax it to (925) 551-6573.
Special note regarding computer installations: Electrical work in computer installations must be requested on GSA-BMD Service Request (Store Stock No. 6158392) to the Building Maintenance Department. The Information Technology Department will assist with its expertise in placement, etc. Electrical work must be requested of the Building Maintenance Department.
GSA-BMD Service Request forms are available from County Stores. Information regarding type or scope of work allowable can be obtained by calling the Facilities Management Department at (925) 551-6578.
Instructions for Completing GSA-BMD Service Request:
- Under "Service Ordered By," write the name of the department requesting the service, the six (6) digit Alcolink number, and the QIC Code of person ordering the service.
- Under "Service Furnished By," write Building Maintenance Department, No. 141.
- Under "Description of Services," describe the service or item to be furnished and location in sufficient detail to make the request clear. Attach a sketch if appropriate. Give the name of a contact person and phone number.
- The white, yellow and pink copies should be sent By QIC to the Building Maintenance Department at 43501 and the goldenrod copy retained by the requesting department. You can also fax a single copy to (925) 551-6573. If you fax a request, no additional copies are necessary.