Building Maintenance Department - photo showing solar panels and castro valley library.

Grounds Maintenance

Grounds maintenance services are provided either by County forces or by contract. Major facilities and building complexes are serviced on a regular basis. Smaller outlying facilities with minimum landscaping are serviced on a periodic basis.

Functions of the grounds section include maintenance of lawns, shrubs, trees, hedges, and ground cover. Weed control and sweeping of adjacent walkways and, at some locations, parking lots are also serviced.

This division also creates firebreaks in the hills on County property adjacent to Fairmont Hospital. The program provides limited landscaping for newly acquired facilities when appropriate, and includes redesign and review of existing landscaped areas to reduce formal, high-maintenance planted areas to low-maintenance, water conservative plantings or ground cover where possible or feasible.

Comments regarding grounds maintenance service should be made to the Facilities Manager at (510) 667-3047. If you are requesting grounds service, please call (510) 618-3450.

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General Services Agency
1401 Lakeside Drive, 10th floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone: (510) 208-9700
Fax: (510) 208-9711