Mission Creek Flood Control Restoration Project
The Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District will be constructing channel restoration and flood control improvements along Mission Creek from Lemos Lane to Lake Elizabeth during the summer of 2015. This project will increase flood conveyance in the creek to meet the FEMA 100-year design storm requirement and minimize future flooding. This project will also stabilize eroded slopes using biotechnical bank stabilization control methods, improve riparian habitat function, and provide replanting and landscaping throughout project site.
Letters to Residents
Meetings Notices
- Mission Creek Restoration Project - Meeting Notice (11/17/2014) (PDF - 302kb) *
- Mission Creek Restoration Project - Meeting Notice (08/31/2015) (PDF - 625kb) *
Meeting Presentations
- Mission Creek Flood Control Restoration Project Presentation (12/09/2014) (PDF - 5127kb) *
- Mission Creek Flood Control Restoration Project (09/17/2015) (PDF - 3.6mb) *