Sidewalk Construction
The Public Works Agency is committed to providing a safe and livable pedestrian system for all segments of the population in the unincorporated areas of Alameda County. On August 5, 2003, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors established the Sidewalk Construction Program as a commitment to the County�s unincorporated area constituents to construct new permanent sidewalks as well as to facilitate sidewalk repairs where needed.
Sidewalk Construction Program
The Sidewalk Construction Program is specifically for the unincorporated County areas. To set guidelines and criteria for the program, the Public Works Agency conducted an inventory of roadways and worked closely with a Citizens Advisory Committee. Roadways were ranked according to criteria based on proximity to schools, collision history, pedestrian generators, and feasibility. Preference was given to pedestrian improvements in school zones, specifically for children walking and biking to and from school. Whenever possible, the Agency incorporates bicycle facilities (bike routes/lanes) in sidewalk construction projects on roadways included in the Alameda Countywide Bicycle Plan. Pedestrian improvement projects are funded through Measure B funds, grants such as Safe Routes to School, and others funding sources. Sidewalks are constructed based on the availability of funding.
For more information regarding the Sidewalk Construction Program, please call (510) 670-5480.
Sidewalk Repair Program
The Sidewalk Repair Program applies only to single-family residential units in the following five county communities within County Planning Area 2.
- Ashland
- Castro Valley/Fairmont
- Cherryland
- Unincorporated Hayward/Fairview
- San Lorenzo/Royal Sunset
Funded through Measure B funds, if your property is located in any one of the areas within Planning Area 2, this program will reimburse 50% of the sidewalk repair cost per property (or up to $750, whichever is less) for sidewalk-related repairs to the frontage of a single family residential parcel.
Why doesn't the County pay 100%?
The Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, Section 5610, places on each property owner the responsibility for the sidewalk abutting his or her property.
To report a sidewalk hazard not located on your property or to obtain additional information about the Sidewalk Repair Program, please call the Public Works Agency at (510) 670-5500.