Benefit Assessment Program
Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
The Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conseration District levies benefit assessments to help finance flood control operations. These assessments are proportionate to the runoff from each parcel of land.
In the past, all flood control assessments were levied on an ad valorem basis, that is, on the value of the property being protected. Assembly Bill 549, which was enacted by the State Legislature following the passage of Proposition 13 (1978), calls for flood control assessments to be levied on a benefit basis rather than an ad valorem basis as had been used in the past.
The purpose of the benefit assessment is to supplement other available but limited revenues sufficiently to keep the District�s existing flood protection system in a safe and effective condition, to respond to emergencies, to perform maintenance and repair, to provide for the completion of authorized projects. The Board of Supervisor determines the amount of the assessment each year. The assessments may be adjusted based on the rate of inflation.
The Benefit Assessment Program was developed because Flood Control revenues after Proposition 13, were not adequate to keep the flood protection system of dams, channels, pumping plants, levees, storm drains, etc., upon which the lives and property of District residents depend, in a safe and effective condition.
The program applies to all Alameda County with the exception of the Cities of Albany, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, and the Zone 7 area east of the hills (Livermore-Amador Valley).
All property contributes runoff which can cause flooding. The elimination of flood damages to homes, apartments, schools, streets, highways, stores, factories, and public facilities benefits everyone in the District, either directly or indirectly.
The Benefit Assessment amount appears on your tax bill. There is a line item labeled �Flood Benefit� which indicates the total amount of the annual flood control assessment.
For a copy of the District�s Annual Report, which includes categories of land use, estimated expenses and revenues, the benefit assessment rate table and sample assessment calculations, click here:
Engineer's Report Benefit Assessment Program Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (PDF - 1,753kb)*
For more information, visit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District
Phone Number: 510-670-5480 or visit
Assessor�s Office
Phone Number: 510-272-3787 or visit
Phone Number: 510-670-5543