Professional Services
Professional Services
The Public Works Agency maintains a database of consultants who are interested in providing consulting services for engineering, environmental, land surveying or construction project management for the Public Works Agency. This database is used to generate a mailing list based on the firms� areas of expertise when solicitation of services is required. Consultants are given sufficient notice when updating is required, and asked if they would like to remain on the list.
Types of Projects
Areas where consultant services are normally needed may include the following types of projects:
- surveying
- geotechnical engineering
- traffic engineering modeling
- hydrology
- watershed studies
- mitigation site maintenance
- environmental document preparation
- miscellaneous environmental studies
- hazardous materials site assessments
- biological assessment
- pavement testing evaluation
- civil engineering design
- project management
- cultural resource
- studies project
- study report preparation
- electrical/mechanical
- sampling and testing
- erosion control work
If you would like to be placed on our mailing list in order to be notified when we are soliciting for these types of services, complete the
- Consultant Services Questionnaire (PDF - 85kb)*
or - Consultant Services Questionnaire (DOC - 41kb)**
and return it with a copy of
- Federal Standard Form 330 (part II only) (PDF - 591kb)*
or - Federal Standard Form 330 (part II only) (DOC - 145kb)**
to this office.
** Microsoft Word Format (DOC) file requires the free Microsoft Word Reader.