Well Completion Reports

How to File Well Construction or Well Destruction Reports (WCRs)

Effective immediately: The State Department of Water Resources has requested that Alameda County Public Works Agency (ACPWA) enforce all regulations regarding State DWR 188 forms (also known as Well Completion Reports or WCRs) submitted to the ACPWA office. WCR forms that do not meet the new state requirements will be returned.

If you are constructing or destroying a well, you must file a CA Department of Water Resources Well Completion Report (also known as a WCR).

See samples and information (PDF - 274kb)* on how to fill out and submit a WCR.

All new WCRs submitted to the ACPWA office require the following:

  1. Numbered fields (#1 through #12) must be filled out completely and must be legible.

  2. The original WCR must be submitted. No carbon copies will be allowed. Carbon copies will be returned.

  3. WCR reports must be submitted to the ACPWA office within 60 days of completed work. If the ACPWA does not receive a WCR form from your company (permit applicant) within 60 days of the work completion date, as permit conditions require, new permits will not be issued to your company. A fine of $100.00 per month may also be imposed on your company (permit applicant).

    WCR forms submitted to our office within the required 60 days that do not meet State DWR standards will be returned by ACPWA to the applicant or driller who submitted the WCR(s). If the re-submitted WCR form is not sent back to the ACPWA office within the original 60 days from work completion date, as permit conditions require, ACPWA may decline to issue new permits to the company (permit applicant) and may also issue a fine of $100.00 per month.

  4. Certification Statements found at the bottom of the WCRs must be signed by the drillers; consultants and drillers will need to negotiate this between themselves. Consultants may fill out forms, but drillers must sign the Certification Statements.

    Any attachments submitted to ACPWA with WCR forms (i.e., site maps and boring logs) will be saved. (Other local agencies may save attachments at their discretion.) All fields on the WCR forms must be completed for submittals to be considered acceptable.

    If you have filled out a WCR form* online at the State website, you must still submit the signed copy to the ACPWA office. All the fields must be filled out completely. Please send your WCR to your assigned Inspector:

    List Inspector name
    Water Resources Section � WCR-Form
    Alameda County Public Works Agency
    399 Elmhurst Street
    Hayward, CA 94544

    ACPWA will also email reminders to permitees who need to submit a WCR or who have overdue WCR forms.

Need More Help?

For further permit assistance, please email ([email protected]) or phone (510-670-6633).

For additional information on how to fill out a Well Completion Report (WCR), see the State Department of Water Resources brochure: How to Fill Out a Well Completion Report*.

More State Department of Water Resources information.