Online Service Requests
- Do you have a pothole problem?
- Need to report illegal dumping or shopping cart removal?
You can request many services like these online.
Contact Us -
Programs & Services
ADA Accommodations - James Chu
(510) 670-5566
Adopt a Spot / Adopt a Creek
(510) 670-5500
Benefit Assessment Program
(510) 670-5553
Building Inspection Program
(510) 670-5440
Business Outreach
(510) 670-6407
Creek, Channel or Culvert Concerns
(510) 670-5500
Clean Water Program
(510) 670-5772
Contract Administration
(510) 670-5450
Contract and Labor Compliance
(510) 670-5243
County Service Areas
(510) 670-6615
Crossing Guard Program
(510) 670-5414
Encroachment Permits
(510) 670-5440
Engineering and Transportation Design
(510) 670-5566
Environmental Division
(510) 670-5772
Estuary Bridges Office
(510) 777-2390
Fleet Operations
(925) 803-7006
General Information
(510) 670-5480
Grading Permits
(510) 670-5500
Graffiti Abatement
(510) 670-5500
Illegal Dumping
(510) 670-5500
Parking Restrictions (red curbs, handicapped parking, etc.)
(510) 670-5578
Pavement Concerns
(510) 670-5500
Bicycle & Ped Master Plan
(510) 670-6452
Pothole Repair
(510) 670-5500
Residential Permit Parking Program - Implementation
(510) 670-5578
Residential Permit Parking Program - Obtain Parking Permits
(510) 670-5440
Right of Way Services
(510) 670-5590
Shopping Cart Removal
(510) 670-5500
Sidewalk Repair Program
(510) 670-5424
Storm Drain Concerns
(510) 670-5500
Street Light Concerns
(510) 670-5500
Street Sign Concerns
(510) 670-5500
Traffic Calming Program
(510) 670-5575
Traffic Engineering
(510) 670-5575
Traffic Signals
(510) 670-5500
Transportation Planning
(510) 670-6452
Tree Program
(510) 670-5572
Tree Trimming (trees in County right of way)
(510) 670-5500
Watercourse Permits
(510) 670-5868
Watershed Program
(510) 670-5487
Well Permits and Inspections
(510) 670-6632