Inspections Required For Permits
To verify compliance with the requirements of the various building codes, inspection of the work authorized by a permit is required at various points during the construction.
It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to notify the Building Inspection Department when the construction work is ready for inspection.
See our brochure Inspection Scheduling Procedures (PDF - 164kb)* for further information regarding scheduling inspections. IN GENERAL, no work shall be covered, or concealed until it has been inspected and approved by the Inspector. If an inspection results in corrections being required to comply with the codes, the corrections must be completed and reinspected prior to continuing construction. If you have any questions regarding when an inspection is required please contact your inspector.
The following is the normal sequence of inspections required for a typical residential project.
- UNDERGROUND: When the excavation for any underground gas, water, sewage, electrical lines, cables or conduits, or any ventilating ducts have been completed and all such lines, cables, conduits or ducts are in place and are ready for any required tests, but before backfilling.
- FOUNDATION: When the excavation for the foundation is completed and forms, required reinforcing steel and embedded items are in place, but before any concrete is placed.
- UNDERFLOOR: When all gas, water, sewer, electrical lines, cables or conduits, or any ventilating ducts are in place and ready for any required tests, but before any floor is installed.
UNDERFLOOR FRAMING: When all the underfloor framing, bracing, supports, and shear transfer nailing and hardware are in place and when all underfloor electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work is in place, but before any insulation or floor sheathing is installed.
Note: Items 3 And 4 are usually done at the same time.
- UNDERFLOOR INSULATION: (If required): When all underfloor insulation is installed but PRIOR to covering with floor sheathing.
- SHEAR WALLS AND DIAPHRAGMS: When all shear walls and horizontal diaphragms (floor and/or roof) are in place, all fastening is completed, and all hardware and any required structural bracing is in place.
- FRAME AND ROUGH ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL: When the framing, bracing and supports for the roof, walls and floors are in place and all gas, water, drainage, and vent piping; all electrical cable, conduits, panels, outlets, junction boxes and wiring; all ventilating ducts, equipment, vents and flues are in place and ready for any required tests, but before any such work is covered or concealed.
LATH: When all backing and lathing, interior and exterior, is in place, but BEFORE any plaster is applied or insulation is installed.
Note: Items 7 and 8 are usually done at the same time.
- INSULATION: When all insulation is in place, but before the insulation is covered.
- WALLBOARD: When all wallboard is in place, but BEFORE joints and fasteners are taped and finished.
- GAS TEST: When all gas piping is completed and wallboard is installed but BEFORE the gas line is connected to the appliances. All outlets must be capped, line pressurized (a minimum of 15 lbs. for a low pressure gas line), and an appropriate gauge (0-30 lbs. for low pressure gas lines) provided at the inlet.
- FINAL: When all construction work including electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work, exterior finish grading, required paving, and required landscaping are completed and the building is ready to be occupied or used, but BEFORE being occupied or used.
The following additional inspections may apply to your project, if your project contains these elements.
- REINFORCED CONCRETE: When forms and reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, sleeves, and inserts, and all electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work is in place, but before any concrete is placed.
- STRUCTURAL STEEL: When all structural steel members are in place and all connections are complete, but before such work is covered or concealed.
- REINFORCED MASONRY: In grouted brick masonry when the vertical steel is in place and other reinforcing steel, bolts, anchors and inserts are distributed and ready for placing, but before any units are laid up. In grouted hollow unit masonry when the units are laid up, and any reinforcing steel, bolts, anchors, and inserts are in place and when required cleanouts are installed and the cells cleaned, but prior to placing any grout. Note that grouted hollow unit masonry is to be inspected and poured in 4'-0" high lifts. Any deviation from the 4'-0" lifts requires special prior approval by the inspector.
- FIRE DAMPERS: When the fire dampers are installed in the openings to be protected, but before the ducts are connected.