The Alameda County Arts Commission believes that the arts are an essential part of every successful and thriving community. The Arts Commission provides services to local artists and arts organizations and is a leader in regional arts advocacy efforts. The Alameda County Arts Commission supports all art forms such as music, dance, visual arts, literature, theater, film and video, traditional crafts and folk arts, and new media.
There are five main program areas: Arts Advocacy; Arts Education; ARTSFUND Grants Program; Exhibitions; and Public Art. The links in left sidebar detail the projects that the Arts Commission has undertaken in these five areas. In addition, the Alameda County Arts Commission Strategic Plan outlines future plans for these program areas. The links in left sidebar detail the projects that the Arts Commission has undertaken in these five areas. In addition, the Alameda County Arts Commission Strategic Plan outlines future plans for these program areas.
EXTENDED Application Deadline: Friday, May 20, 2022, 5:00pm
Applicants should use web browser Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari
Please Review the Guidelines and Apply Online
The Alameda County Arts Relief Grant Program has been established to provide funding assistance to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program is managed by the Office of the Alameda County Arts Commission under the leadership of Melissa Wilk, Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder, and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors.
Through this American Rescue Plan Act-funded grant program, it is anticipated that up to $1,000,000 will be provided to Alameda County arts and cultural nonprofit organizations who have experienced a negative economic impact created by COVID-19 during the period of March 1, 2020 to the present. Funding will be provided to arts and cultural organizations located throughout Alameda County with additional support provided to organizations located in the County's unincorporated areas. Organizations who received a grant through the County's Arts Relief Grant Program Round One in 2020 and/or through the annual Alameda County ARTSFUND Grant Program are eligible to apply to this grant opportunity as long as all other eligibility requirements are met, as outlined in these Guidelines.
Alameda County recognizes that arts and cultural organizations are an essential part of our community and an instrumental aspect of our economic recovery. The Arts Relief Grant Program Round Two grant awards are anticipated to be between $3,000 - $20,000 per organization. Grants will be awarded to qualifying organizations providing arts and cultural programs and services in the areas of visual art, dance, theater, music, literature, poetry, cultural events and traditions, and other related forms. This grant program is intended to provide economic support for expenses and income loss of organizations who experienced a negative economic impact from COVID-19. The goal of the County is to supply grant funds to organizations that reflect the geographic and cultural diversity of Alameda County, prioritizing organizations operated by and/or serving populations and communities that were disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. The intended outcomes are to assist the organizations with survival and sustainability while also supporting the communities that are served.