About Us > Program > First Source Program
What is First Source?
The First Source Program was developed to link Alameda County residents with employment opportunities provided through the County's relationships with businesses, including contracts that have been awarded to suppliers through the competitive process, and economic development activity in the County. The First Source Program allows the County to create and sustain these connections.
Suppliers awarded contracts for goods, services and/or professional services for $100,000 and over are automatically qualified to take advantage of the First Source Program - there are no additional enrollment requirements.
How your business can benefit
The success of the First Source Program represents a valuable service to suppliers by effectively and efficiently delivering a qualified, local worker in response to an employer's workforce request.
The First Source Program:
- Assists County suppliers in fulfilling staffing needs
- Places County residents in sustainable, local jobs
- Provides workforce education and training
How First Source Works
- During the term of the supplier's contract, as employment opportunities arise within their firm, the supplier will provide the County with a list of qualifications and requirements for candidate search.
- Supplier provides the County with 10 working days to refer pre-screened, qualified potential candidates to the supplier.
- Supplier considers potential candidates to fill any new or vacant positions that are necessary to fulfill their contractual obligations to the County, that the supplier has available during the contract term before advertising to the general public.
- Supplier agrees to use their best efforts to fill their employment vacancies with candidates referred by County, but the final decision of whether or not to offer employment, and the terms and conditions thereof, rest solely within the discretion of the supplier.
Suppliers who cannot comply with the First Source Agreement of their contract with the County due to pre-existing internal hiring practices, or other constraints, will provide a written explanation of non-compliance.
Getting Started with First Source
Taking advantage of the First Source program is easy. Once your contract with Alameda County has been awarded, simply email the Alameda County Workforce Development Board at [email protected] with job descriptions and requirements for contract-related jobs located in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sonoma, Solano, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. A Career Center Business Services Consultant will advertise your company's available positions and will contact you when job seekers matching your stated qualifications have been located.
East Bay Works is a collaboration with locations throughout Alameda County. If you know the location of the contract-related positions, you may also call the appropriate Career Center directly.
Please visit www.eastbayworks.com.